URI Women’s Property Rights Project in Uganda
We started this project in 2017 and at inception we envisioned women together with their spouses and relatives who are able to own property. Its implemented in Mayuge and Jinja districts in four sub counties: Imanyiro, Mayuge Town Council and Budondo, Mafubira.
To achieve this, in this journey we have had different engagements including; entrepreneurship, legal and human rights trainings, community based dialogues, non-confrontational one-on-one conversations with the other parties in their lives, who in most cases have power and decisions to effect change. We do so many other follow up engagements even with the community leadership.
Through our interfaith bridge building strategy, we have been moved with the way in which people look beyond their faith traditions and other social-cultural backgrounds to work together.The underpinning factor to each of them (and the rest of humanity), is that,”everyone has the right to own property).
The women (who are our primary targets)are now being supported to run own business and social-service enterprises to earn a living but also uplift their economic justice as they navigate the justice system in the even of property injustice.
This noble cause is all thanks to our development partners Filantropia-Finland and the Finnish Foreign Ministry. URI Global Support Office and the entire URI Community is the eternal propelling engine for all our works and takes pride in such strides.
URI is forever indebted to many of our international development partners, Ifa Zivik-Berlin Germany, Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA), FK Norway and others. Their efforts have been a landmark in the so many lives of people we serve, here in the Great Lakes-Africa
We invite other development partners to support our work.
In Peace!